You can sync your RateHighly account with Segment to send user responses and events collected by RateHighly to your data stores.
What data is sent to Segment?
RateHighly will send users, events, and responses to Segment.
Events include:
User-initiated events such as in-app and public ratings, and feedback
RateHighly-initiated events such as in-app prompts and emails sent to users
This is a soft-realtime integration. You can expect to see an event in Segment within minutes of it occurring in RateHighly.
Steps to connect RateHighly to Segment
In Segment
In your Segment account navigate to Connections > Sources, and click Add Source
Select the RateHighly source
Give the source a name such as 'RateHighly'
In RateHighly
Navigate to the Account > Integrations page
Select Segment
Select your Segment region (US or EU)
Paste in your Segment writeKey from the RateHighly source you created earlier and click Create Integration
This will create the integration and begin the historical sync of your data. Any new data in your RateHighly account will also be sent to Segment during and after the initial sync completes.
Managing your integration
You can Pause or Remove an integration at any time from RateHighly. Pausing the integration will stop any new data from being sent to Segment from RateHighly.
Removing an integration deletes the integration permanently, but does not delete any data from Segment.